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Dispatches from queer Bangladesh: Happy Thai New Year!
Speaking to me on the phone from Thailand, Fahad* discloses his two wishes for life. “I just want to stay hot and have money. If you have th

Anatomy of relationships: stuck in the middle
My partner recently told his parents about me. We've been together for several years, and we both figured it was time they knew. He and

Introduction to the series: dispatches from queer Bangladesh
I left Bangladesh, the country of my birth, when I was 18. I’m gay, and I don’t plan to live there again. Same-sex sexual activity is...

Anatomy of relationships: my metanoia
This column is the first in a series exploring the anatomy of relationships. Need advice regarding a significant other, family member or...

Lost & found
The worst thing a woman can lose isn’t her keys, her phone or her wallet — it’s herself. It happened to me when I was 19 years old. For...
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