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It takes some time. It takes some time to come back to this land. After soaring for long enough perhaps my legs don’t recall how to hold the ground.

A little weak, a little shaken, and somehow a little weary.

But as those wings are my own, these legs are my own. They nourish me, they shelter me, they strengthen the very body that lifts me.

They give me a world untouchable by flight.

Though when the wind falls below and I lie above, when the Infinite is within my reach, when the ground is but a speck or maybe not at all, sometimes I forget.

It takes some time to remember.

Reshma Hussam is a development economist who uses microeconomic tools to think about ways to alleviate poverty. She is most herself in open expanses of mountain, water, and sky. You can learn more about her work here.

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