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Extreme vetting questionnaire

What is your name?



-Mohammad Ali

For what purpose do you want to enter the United States of America?

-Temporary visit ;^)

-To use Amazon to purchase household items in bulk

-Visit Dearborn, Michigan

It’s been 12 hours since you last ate. What do you eat first?


-2 hotdogs

-Medjool date

-5 hotdogs

Who was the first free market philosopher?

-Adam Smith

-Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazali

-Ronald Reagan

Which of the following kitchen backsplashes is the most visually pleasing?

Black & white checkered tile
Black & white checkered tile
Black & white checkered tile

​ How times a week do you pray?

-Between 0 and 35


Choose one:





Which way is Mecca?



-Not sure

Who should the U.S. go to war with next?





Violence is:

-Never justified

-Justifiable in certain contexts

Everyone should convert to…

-Metric Units

-Imperial Units


Do you have immediate access to firearms?



-Contingent upon my admittance into the US

Do you consume extremist propaganda?

-Yes, I have watched PBS

-No way, I only read Breitbart

Ahmed Amer is a satirist and writer in Raleigh, North Carolina. He is the creator of @bad_at_captions on Twitter.​

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