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How to sad dance
When you feel out of place and no one else knows your story, art can bridge the gap. To me, this is a tried and true story that humans...

Extreme vetting questionnaire
For what purpose do you want to enter the United States of America?
-Temporary visit ;^)
-To use Amazon to purchase household items in bulk

Islam, in my own image
A close friend was mortified that I might have been asked — much less have accepted — to write about life as a Third-Culture Kid (“TCK”)....

Anatomy of relationships: my metanoia
This column is the first in a series exploring the anatomy of relationships. Need advice regarding a significant other, family member or...

The acknowledged bench
My cousin died of addiction on Feb. 12, 2016. His father also died of addiction on June 15, 1988. My father is a recovered addict. I...

Lost & found
The worst thing a woman can lose isn’t her keys, her phone or her wallet — it’s herself. It happened to me when I was 19 years old. For...

Review: Guantanamo Bay
I thought this place had shut down, but it was still open and I had to see what the hype was all about. Entering the grounds of the...

Hijab fashion: modest statement or faux pas?
Hijab is worn with different meanings all over the world. In Saudi Arabia, it’s considered a law. In Malaysia, the hijab can have...

Study guide to pass the Not A Terrorist Test in the United States of Trumptopia™
First things first: you’re brown, a little Muslimy, and you’ve decided to study for the N.A.T.. Whether you’ve been detained without...

Findings suggest reality not a safe space, social justice advocates outraged
Researchers at the California Institute of Technology released a report this month suggesting that reality is, in fact, not a safe space...

Nature encircles me, she speaks visually...
For my materiality & space semester project, I chose two verbs: To encircle of nature. I started by drawing an axonometric, aiming and...

My patchwork of Islam
Developing my Muslim identity has been an amalgamation of culture, religion, family, friends, education and career. After many years of...
The monsters in big brown boots
In winter, shopkeepers usually opened their shops late in the morning and closed early in the evening. They went home to roast some...
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